9. Line Integrals
c. Applications of Scalar Line Integrals
1. Mass, Center of Mass and Centroid
In Calculus 2, we learned how to compute
- the mass and center of mass of a discrete collection of masses
- the mass and center of mass of a straight bar with linear density \(\delta(x)\) (with units of \(\dfrac{\text{mass}}{\text{length}}\))
This can be generalized to a curved bar or wire by using line integrals of scalars.
Total Mass and Center of Mass
If a wire has the shape of the curve \(\vec r(t)\) with linear density \(\delta(x,y,z)\) between \(A=\vec r(a)\) and \(B=\vec r(b)\) then
- The total mass of the wire is \[ M=\int_A^B \delta\,ds =\int_a^b \delta(r(t))|\vec v|\,dt \]
- The first moments of the mass of the wire in the \(x\), \(y\) and \(z\) directions are \[\begin{aligned} M_x&=\int_A^B x\delta\,ds =\int_a^b x(t)\,\delta(r(t))\,|\vec v|\,dt \\ M_y&=\int_A^B y\delta\,ds =\int_a^b y(t)\,\delta(r(t))\,|\vec v|\,dt \\ M_z&=\int_A^B z\delta\,ds =\int_a^b z(t)\,\delta(r(t))\,|\vec v|\,dt \end{aligned}\]
- And the center of mass is \[ (\bar{x},\bar{y},\bar{z})=\left(\dfrac{M_x}{M},\dfrac{M_y}{M},\dfrac{M_z}{M}\right) \]
Find the mass and center of mass of a wire in the shape of the semicircle \(y=\sqrt{4-x^2}\) if its linear density is given by \(\delta(x,y)=x^2y\).

The semicircle may be parametrized by \(\vec r(\theta)=(2\cos\theta,2\sin\theta)\) for \(0 \le \theta \le \pi\). Its velocity is \(\vec v=(-2\sin\theta,2\cos\theta)\) whose length is \(|\vec v|=\sqrt{4\sin^2\theta+4\cos^2\theta}=2\). So the mass is \[\begin{aligned} M&=\int_A^B \delta\,ds =\int_0^\pi x^2y|\vec v|\,d\theta \\ &=\int_0^\pi 4\cos^2\theta\,2\sin\theta\,2\,d\theta =16\left[\dfrac{-\cos^3\theta}{3}\right]_0^\pi =\dfrac{32}{3} \end{aligned}\] The first moments are \[\begin{aligned} M_{1x}&=\int_A^B x\delta\,ds =\int_0^\pi x^3y|\vec v|\,d\theta \\ &=\int_0^\pi 8\cos^3\theta\,2\sin\theta\,2\,d\theta =32\left[\dfrac{-\cos^4\theta}{4}\right]_0^\pi=0 \\ M_{1y}&=\int_A^B y\delta\,ds =\int_0^\pi x^2y^2|\vec v|\,d\theta \\ &=\int_0^\pi 4\cos^2\theta\,4\sin^2\theta\,2\,d\theta =8\int_0^\pi \sin^2(2\theta)\,d\theta \\ &=8\int_0^\pi \dfrac{1-\cos(4\theta)}{2}\,d\theta=4 \left[\theta-\,\dfrac{\sin(4\theta)}{4}\right]_0^\pi=4\pi \end{aligned}\] where we used the identities \(\sin(2\theta)=2\sin\theta\cos\theta\) and \(\sin^2 A=\dfrac{1-\cos(2A)}{2}\). So the center of mass is \[ (\bar{x},\bar{y}) =\left(\dfrac{0}{32/3},\dfrac{4\pi}{32/3}\right) =\left(0,\dfrac{3\pi}{8}\right) \]
This answer makes sense since the wire and the density are symmetric about the \(y\)-axis which implies \(\bar{x}=0\). Further, \(\bar{y}\approx 1.2\) which is within the range of the wire which is \(0 \le y \le 2\). Here is a plot with an \(\times\) at the center of mass.

Find the mass and the \(x\)-component of the center of mass of the quartic curve: \[ \vec r(t)=\left(\dfrac{1}{2}t^2,\dfrac{2}{3}t^3,\dfrac{1}{2}t^4\right) \quad \text{for} \quad 0 \le t \le 1 \] if the linear density is \(\delta=x\).
The quantity in the square root is a perfect square.
\(M=\dfrac{7}{24}\) \(M_x=\dfrac{5}{48}\) \(\bar{x}=\dfrac{5}{14}\approx0.36\)
The velocity is \(\vec v=\langle t,2t^2,2t^3\rangle\) and its magnitude is: \[ |\vec v|=\sqrt{t^2+4t^4+4t^6}=\sqrt{(t+2t^3)^2}=t+2t^3 \] The density is \(\delta=x=\dfrac{1}{2}t^2\). So the mass is \[\begin{aligned} M&=\int_A^B \delta\,ds =\int_0^1 \dfrac{1}{2}t^2(t+2t^3)\,dt \\ &=\left[\dfrac{1}{8}t^4+\dfrac{1}{6}t^6\right]_0^1 =\dfrac{1}{8}+\dfrac{1}{6}=\dfrac{7}{24} \end{aligned}\] For the \(x\) moment, we multiply by \(x=\dfrac{1}{2}t^2\) in the integrand: \[\begin{aligned} M_x &=\int_A^B x\delta\,ds =\int_0^1 \dfrac{1}{2}t^2\dfrac{1}{2}t^2(t+2t^3)\,dt \\ &=\left[\dfrac{1}{24}t^6+\dfrac{1}{16}t^8\right]_0^1 =\dfrac{1}{24}+\dfrac{1}{16}=\dfrac{5}{48} \end{aligned}\] Finally, we divide the moment by the mass to get the \(x\)-component of the center of mass: \[ \bar x=\dfrac{M_x}{M}=\dfrac{5}{48}\dfrac{24}{7}=\dfrac{5}{14}\approx0.36 \]
Similarly, we can find the \(y\)- and \(z\)-moments and the \(y\)- and \(z\)-components of the center of mass: \[\begin{aligned} M_y&=\dfrac{23}{189} \quad &\bar y&=\dfrac{184}{441}\approx0.42 \\ M_z&=\dfrac{13}{160} \quad &\bar z&=\dfrac{39}{140}\approx0.28 \end{aligned}\] This appears to be near the center of the wire as shown in the plot.
If the linear density along a curve is a constant, which we will take as \(\delta=1\), then
- The total mass of the curve is just its arclength: \[ M=\int_A^B \delta\,ds=\int_A^B 1\,ds=L \]
- The first moments of the mass are called the first moments of arc length: \[\begin{aligned} M_x&=\int_A^B x\delta\,ds=\int_A^B x\,ds=L_x \\ M_y&=\int_A^B y\delta\,ds=\int_A^B y\,ds=L_y \\ M_z&=\int_A^B z\delta\,ds=\int_A^B z\,ds=L_z \end{aligned}\]
- And the center of mass is called the centroid: \[ (\bar{x},\bar{y},\bar{z}) =\left(\dfrac{L_x}{L},\dfrac{L_y}{L},\dfrac{L_z}{L}\right) \]
Find the centroid of one and a half loops of the helix \(\vec r(\theta)=(4\cos\theta,4\sin\theta,3\theta)\) for \(0 \le \theta \le 3\pi\). Rotate the plot with your mouse.
The velocity is \(\vec v=(-4\sin\theta,4\cos\theta,3)\) and its length is \(|\vec v|=\sqrt{16\sin^2\theta+16\cos^2\theta+9}=5\). So the length is \[ L=\int_A^B\,ds=\int_0^{3\pi} |\vec v|\,d\theta =\int_0^{3\pi} 5\,d\theta=\left[5\theta\right]_0^{3\pi}=15\pi \] The first moments are \[\begin{aligned} L_x&=\int_A^B x\,ds =\int_0^{3\pi} 4\cos\theta\,5\,dt =\left[20\sin\theta\rule{0pt}{10pt}\right]_0^{3\pi}=0 \\ L_y&=\int_A^B y\,ds =\int_0^{3\pi} 4\sin\theta\,5\,dt =\left[-20\cos\theta\rule{0pt}{10pt}\right]_0^{3\pi} \\ &=-20(-1)--20(1)=40 \\ L_z&=\int_A^B z\,ds= \int_0^{3\pi} 3\theta\,5\,dt =\left[15\dfrac{\theta^2}{2}\right]_0^{3\pi}=\dfrac{135}{2}\pi^2 \end{aligned}\] And so the center of mass is \[\begin{aligned} (\bar{x},\bar{y},\bar{z}) &=\left(\dfrac{L_x}{L},\dfrac{L_y}{L},\dfrac{L_z}{L}\right) \\ &=\left(0,\dfrac{40}{15\pi},\dfrac{135\pi^2}{2\cdot15\pi}\right) =\left(0,\dfrac{8}{3\pi},\dfrac{9\pi}{2}\right) \end{aligned}\]
It is no surprise that \(\bar{x}=0\) since half of the helix has positive
\(x\)'s and half has negative \(x\)'s.
It is no surprise that \(\bar{z}=\dfrac{9\pi}{2}\) since this is half of
the height of the helix which is \(9\pi\).
Further, \(\bar{y}=\dfrac{8}{3\pi}\approx 0.85\) makes sense since there
is more helix for positive than negative \(y\)'s and this is within the
bounds \(-4 \le y \le 4\).
Find the centroid of the twisted cubic \(\vec r(t)=\left(t,t^2,\dfrac{2}{3}t^3\right)\) from \(t=0\) to \(t=1\).
Use the first moments of arc length: \[ L_x=\int_A^B x\,ds \qquad L_y=\int_A^B y\,ds \qquad L_z=\int_A^B z\,ds \] to find the centroid: \[ (\bar{x},\bar{y},\bar{z}) =\left(\dfrac{L_x}{L},\dfrac{L_y}{L},\dfrac{L_z}{L}\right) \]
\((\bar{x},\bar{y},\bar{z}) =\left(\dfrac{3}{5},\dfrac{11}{25},\dfrac{7}{30}\right)\)
First, we have already found the magnitude of the velocity vector is \(|\vec v|=1+2t^2\). The arc length is \[ L=\int_A^B\,ds=\int_0^1 (1+2t^2)\,dt =\left[t+2\dfrac{t^3}{3}\right]_0^1=\dfrac{5}{3} \] For the \(x\) moment of arc length, we we multiply by \(x=t\) in the integrand: \[ L_x=\int_A^B x\,ds=\int_0^1 t(1+2t^2)\,dt =\left[\dfrac{t^2}{2}+2\dfrac{t^4}{4}\right]_0^1=1 \] Next, for the \(y\) moment of arc length, we multiply by \(y=t^2\) in the integrand: \[ L_y=\int_A^B y\,ds=\int_0^1 t^2(1+2t^2)\,dt =\left[\dfrac{t^3}{3}+2\dfrac{t^5}{5}\right]_0^1=\dfrac{11}{15} \] Finally, for the \(z\) moment of arc length, we we multiply by \(z=\dfrac{2}{3}t^3\) in the integrand: \[ L_z=\int_A^B z\,ds=\int_0^1 \dfrac{2}{3}t^3(1+2t^2)\,dt =\dfrac{2}{3}\left[\dfrac{t^4}{4}+2\dfrac{t^6}{6} \right]_0^1=\dfrac{7}{18} \] Now we divide each moment by the arc length: \[ \bar{x}=1\cdot\dfrac{3}{5}=\dfrac{3}{5} \qquad \bar{y}=\dfrac{11}{15}\dfrac{3}{5}=\dfrac{11}{25} \qquad \bar{z}=\dfrac{7}{18}\dfrac{3}{5}=\dfrac{7}{30} \] (Notice how we divide by the arc length by multiplying by its reciprocal.) So the centroid is \[ (\bar{x},\bar{y},\bar{z}) =\left(\dfrac{3}{5},\dfrac{11}{25},\dfrac{7}{30}\right) \]
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